+6012-722 6652 +607-555 0110 enquiry@wlt-my.com


Granite Restoration

Floor Wax

Stone Restoration

Disinfection Service

Pro Green has specialised in environmentally friendly chemicals from Tana Chemie GmbH, Germany.
- With a professional focus for a better green environment, we focus on the most efficient disinfection solutions with the minimal risk for human and environment.
- Safe for children and eldery, no asthma triggers, safe to sensitive materials and no corrosion
- Our products are tested and approved in Europe for many years and not an “opportunistic” solution to the global Covid-19 crisis.
-APESIN AP 100 – hospital approved (Robert-Koch-Institut, Germany), used in hospitals throughout Europe for many years as efficient disinfectant against pathogens such as bacteria and Virus. Highly recommended as disinfectant of choice in case of a positive outbreak in your premisses.

Giant Fan at Mosque

Giant Fan Installation

Ride-On Machine

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